Self-Management Tools

We care about you and want to provide you tools and resources to help you live well. Self-management tools allow you to have a central role in determining your care and can foster a sense of self-responsibility for your health and well-being. It is our hope that these tools can also encourage discussion between you and your provider.

Self-management tools help individuals determine risk factors, provide guidance on health issues, recommend ways to improve health or support reducing risk or maintaining low risk. Listed below are interactive resources that allow individuals to enter specific personal information and provide immediate, individual results based on the information.

Please keep in mind that these tools are provided for educational purposes only, and are in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other conditions.

Healthy Weight (BMI) Maintenance


Body Image
Identifying Weight Loss Goals and Ways to Meet Them
Choosing a Primary Care Physician
Your Personal Health Profile

Helpful Links

CDC BMI Calculator
Smoking & Tobacco Cessation


Nicotine Dependence Are you Hooked
For Smokers Only Why Do You Smoke

Helpful Links

Help Someone Quit Smoking
Healthy Eating


Daily Food Record
Portion Size Quiz & Worksheet
Your Daily Diet Versus MyPyramid Recommendations
Putting MyPyramid into Action Healthier Choices
Determining Daily Energy and Macronutrient Goals

Helpful Links

Choose My Plate
Managing Stress


Identifying Your Stress Level and Key Stressors
Daily Hassles & Stress
Stress Management Techniques
Problem Solving

Helpful Links

In Depth Stress Management
Avoiding At-Risk Drinking


Is Alcohol a Problem in Your Life
Alcohol and How It Affects You

Helpful Links

Rethinking Drinking
Recovery & Resiliency


Addictive Behavior
Reasons for Using or Not Using Drugs

Helpful Links

Action Planning for Prevention and Recovery
Treatment Monitoring


General Well Being Scale
Recognizing Signs of Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Communicating with Your Physcian

Helpful Links

Mental Health Medications